
Corporate social responsibility is in our view continuous effort to exceed the expectations of public for ethical, legal and social behaviour of our corporation and its activities.


Our program of CSR is natural extension of our business philosphy and values of our brand. To be friendly and open are the values, that are constantly present in our programs and are the foundations of succesful business and operations of our not-for-profit organizations HOSS Heroes. Responsible approach is one of the principles. Corporate philantrophy is more than filling the cheque, we want to show interest and that we care for what we do! Removing barriers in every day life and ethical behaviour helps in better quality of life of individuals, families and comunity. 

The ultimate goal is to create good atmosphere via philantrophy and support of the right things in life for better society and relationships.

Our team respect these values and is willing to listen. We try our best to be inspiration for other heroes in life! 

HOSS Heroes Team

HOSS Heroes Team

Board of Trustees:

  • Marián Hossa, Slovak hockey player and NHL all star
    Hockey stats click here
  • Marcel Hossa, Slovak hockey player and KHL all star
    Hockey stats click here
  • Mária Hossová, mother of both recognized athletes
  • Supervisory Board:

    • Ing. Janka Hossová, wife of Marian and member of management of HOSS CORP, a.s.

    Managing Director:

    • Miroslav Kubis MBA, friend, CEO of HOSS CORP, a.s. a financial advisor